IT services
in sales
We use the state-of-the-art technologies to create easily implemented products that fulfil each client's requirements. We use, among other things, RPA tools (Robotic Process Automation), i.e. systems designed to automate business processes. Due to this, we are able to develop programmes as well as mobile and web applications that significantly speed up sales processing. Moreover, they can collect client data which forms the basis when creating an effective marketing strategy.
One of the most interesting products we have developed in this sector is the eTrolley platform. It is an application through which the client can, for example, create a list of required products (by uploading a photo or scanning/inserting a barcode), join a discount or loyalty programme or obtain more data on a selected item.
Our activities in this sector include not only the eTrolley Platform, send us an inquiry and we will prepare a tailor-made solution for you.

See also

Insurance sector
We also develop projects in the insurance sector, where the user experience is particularly important.

Medical sector
We are also operate in the medical sector. One of our main products is Help Doctor, implemented precisely in this sector.

Banking sector
We also operate in the banking sector. One of our main products in this sector is the Fin Credit System based on Blockchain technology.